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         Football has a higher concussion rate than any other sport. Concussions happen when someone get hit to the side of the head which bruises the the brain. The position that is most likely to get a concussions are defenseivebacks. The majority of the people who get a concussions are people under the age of 18 years old. To recognize a concussion you have to look for different signs and symptoms. For a player to return to playing he has to pass a concussion test. A profesional football player takes about 900-1500 blows to the head each season. People who get concussions usually recover quickly. Sometimes the symptoms can last for days or weeks. 66% of teenagers think that a concussion is not serious enough to tell an adult. In the U.S. atheletes suffer about 300,000 concussions every year. If you ever have a concussion then you should tell someone. 

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